總會長 宋执仁(Dr.James Sung)1956年出生於臺北市,祖籍山東省濱縣人氏,自1970年離開台灣,在太平洋區、大洋
會將推薦世界最優的節能環保產品,本會將秉持以往努力向上的精神,2008為受聘於馬紹爾共和國駐亞洲區特別經濟顧問,2009年元月核准加入ANTOR外國政府駐台觀光機構,2009年9月核准加入Discover America美國在台商會/美國旅遊推展協會,2009年10月16~18日主辦台灣傳統自然醫學與觀光休閒國際研討會及「替代與輔助療法技藝競賽」,2009年11月出席WHO 與WFAS在法國大會及 2009年12月出席 WFCMS在澳洲大會,2010年3月於塞班與台灣推動醫療美容觀光,並協助各政府訂定政策制度與各醫學、旅遊各業共同議訂,2011~2015擔任世針聯WFAS考試專業委員會副主任委員及秘書處考試部聯絡負責人專司負責於美國、太平洋、亞太、台灣地區,考試合作等事宜。我們秉持真誠為全球華人奮鬥!2013年8月世界針聯WFAS簽署核准設立 ERC-世界針聯國際緊急救援委員會 (International Emergency Rescue Working Committee of WFAS)
We Help Those Who Need Us When You Need Us, We Help You with Our Best
He was born in Taipei City with his family register from Bin County,San-Dong Province of China. He left Taiwan
in 1970, engaging in International commercialaffairs, diplomacy, traveling, ocean resources,traffics, and tour
accommodation. He was elected to be an director of Chinese International Traveling Society. He established Chinese
International Visiting Association in USA(CIVA-USA) and served as the general president of it. Then he started "the
campaign of extending Chinese culture series & Traditional Chinese medicine" which was strongly supported by American Chinese, Taiwan, and China.
On November 15, 2002, he supported the combined generalsociety of world's anti-Japanese history conference hold in
San-Diago, the conference was hold every two years. In January 2003, CIVA-USA was granted to be aprofit-making
society, CIVA-USA has possessed a bigger freedom to work since then.
In October 2003, CIVA-USA helped American Guan Island Chinese Society invited Chinese Navy to have a mutual
visiting with American Pacific Navy Force. In December 2003, CIVA-USA invited Mr. Jou,I-Shou,the head of National
Medicine Managing Bureau and National Medical Doctor Acknowledge Center of China Sanitation Ministry,Mr. Liou,
Chun-Shon, the vice head, to visit Guan Island. And they also supervised the 10th class international Chinese
medical doctor and acupuncture doctor qualification hostedby CIVA-USA. In 2004, CIVA-USA carried on hosting the 11th
class international Chinese medical doctor and acupuncture doctor qualification. In 2004 and 2005, CIVA-USA normally
entered the International Acupuncture Combined Society. In November 2006 and May 2007, Mr. Sung was assigned being
the representative of Saipan in Taiwan, helping Taiwan,Vietnam and south-eastern Asian countries to do visa,
commercial affairs, fishery, education, investment and immigration.
In 2007,CIVA-USA established American Traditional Medicine And Beauty University, and set up a health protection
medicine and cosmetics producing company, a Chinese Medical Combined Hospital. CIVA-USA Energy Developing Board will
recommend the most favorable energy-saving products. In 2008, Mr. Sung was assigned to be the Asian special economic
advisor by the Republic of Marshall Islands. In January 2009, the Saipan office in Taiwan became a member of ANTOR,
andentered Discover America in September 2009. On October 16-18, 2009, CIVA-USA hosted Taiwan Traditional Natural
Medicineand Touring International Conference. In December 2009, he attended WHO and WFAS conferences in France; and
in December 2009, he was present the WFCMS conference in Australia. We strive for the global Chinese.
2011~2015 Deputy Director of WFAS International Acupuncture- Moxibustion Level (Qualification) Examination Committee, and liaison person of the Qualification Examination Department of the Secretariat of WFAS. He is authorized to be the liaison person of the CIVA-USA for examination, training, and other cooperation programs in the territorial of the Pacific U.S. and U.S.A, Asia-Pacific region and Taiwan. In August 2013, the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) approved the establishment of the International Emergency Rescue Working Committee of WFAS. (ERC-WFAS)
The platform of CIVA-USA can help you to extend your limit.
馬紹爾共和國特任亞洲區特別經濟顧問(2008)中國政府聘任高級經濟顧問美國國際專業人員組織,美國 CIVA-USA國際組織 -國際合作→美國國際專業管理組織。美國 CIVA-USA國際醫學與教育組織 -國際合作→美國國際專業管理組織。美國中華國際觀光交流協會,美國 CIVA-USA保健食品與化妝品製造廠 ,美國傳統醫學與美容大學,美國西南大學醫學院美國CIVA-USA醫學美容健康中心診所 。
美國CIVA-USA 國際組織, 國際事務推展委員會,國際文藝文化推展委員會,國際傳統醫學文化推展委員會,美國中華國際觀光交流協會 , 美國SHINING TOUR 閃亮旅遊(旅行社),美國 CIVA-USA保健食品與化妝品製造廠,美國 CIVA-USA醫學美容健康中心診所
- 美國 CIVA-USA國際醫學與教育組織
→ 各國分會
→ 中國分會
- 國際教育專業委員會
→ 社會教育推廣中心
→ 國際事務中心
→ 培訓中心
→ 考試中心
→ 認證中心心
- 國際針灸/TCM緊急救援工作委員會
- 中華傳統醫學文化推展委員會
→ 中醫藥師
→ 專業人員
→ 培訓中心
→ 考試中心
→ 認證中心
- 針灸專業委員會
- 康復保健專業委員會
- 中醫心裡醫學專業委員會
- 中醫學美容專業委員會
- 芳香保健專業委員會
- 保健按摩推拿專業委員會
- 醫學氣功專業委員會
- 能量醫學專業委員會
- 養身藥膳專業委員會
- 風水命理周易專業委員會
- 波動能量專業委員會
- 美國傳統醫學與美容大學
① 醫學美容系 生命科學研究所
② 西醫復健系 生物能研究所
③ 中醫系 國際武術學院
④ 針灸系
⑤ 營養系
⑥ 管理系
⑦ 心裡醫學系
⑧ 傳統醫學系
⑨ 自然醫學系
WHO 世界衛生組織NGO非政府組織傳統醫學合作中心(太平洋海域)
WFAS 世界針灸學會聯合會 - 總會執委席位(2006~2009)WFAS 世界針灸學會聯合會國際針灸考試委員會(2006~2008)聯絡負責人WFAS 世界針灸學會聯合會國際針灸考試委員會(2011~2015)副主任委員
WFAS 世界針灸學會聯合會秘書處資格考試部(2006~2008)聯絡負責單位WFAS 世界針灸學會聯合會 / 美國CIVA-USA組織-北美區團體會員WFCMS 世界中醫藥學會聯合會 - 總會理事席位(2007~2011)WFCMS 世界中醫藥學會聯合會 / 美國CIVA-USA組織-美洲區團體會員WFCMS 世界中醫藥學會聯合會國際資格考試部(2006~2008)聯絡負責單位WFCMS 世界中醫藥學會聯合會康復保健專業委員會 / 總會常務理事席位WFCMS 世界中醫藥學會聯合會中醫心裡醫學專業委員會WFCMS 世界中醫藥學會聯合會中醫美容專業委員會 / 總會理事佔有3席位
(1)國際中醫專業證書。 (2)國際針灸專業證書。 (3)國際護理專業證書。 (4)國際護理師專業證書。(5)國際醫學美容專業證書。 (6)國際芳香療法專業證書。 (7)國際花精療法專業證書。 (8)國際推拿整復專業證書。 (9)國際整復專業證書。(10)國際能量醫學專業證書。(11)國際藥膳(營養)師專業證書。(12)國際藥膳廚師專業證書。(13)國際輔助醫學健康管理師專業證書。(14)國際茶藝專業證書。
WFHHS 世界藥膳聯合會
北京中醫藥進修學院 - 海外分校
美國 CIVA-USA組織與WHO、WFAS、WFCMS可連結全球86個會員國政府與三百多個組織團體。
主要內容、特點及在促進中醫藥國際交流與合作方面做出的突出貢獻Major achievements, features and outstanding contribution to the promotion of international exchange and cooperation.美國CIVA-USA國際組織創辦人宋執仁總會長從1970年起便開始於大洋洲、北美、東亞地區為中華傳統醫學奮鬥,自1998年在美國創立CIVA-USA組織以來,積極發起「發揚中華文化系列」活動,並且首推中華傳統醫學文化,期望將保健養生為訴求的中醫傳統醫學介紹並推廣至更多地區,於美國及中台兩岸東亞地區皆受到僑界的熱烈支持及歡迎。在1998年,CIVA-USA正式與中國衛生部國際交流中心及中醫藥管理局、北京中醫藥大學、北京醫科大學、北京中醫藥進修學院等進行中醫針炙醫學之學術、製藥技術交流,由於此舉對中醫專業的發展有莫大助益,因而受到中國衛生部國際交流中心與中醫藥管理局的大力支持。而在這段期間,CIVA-USA亦同時宣揚推展中醫針灸傳統醫學,希望將針灸療法的常識及優點推廣讓更多國家政府與人民知曉。另外,宋總會長亦很榮幸於同年接受美屬北馬利亞納聯邦塞班政府聘任為美國塞班政府派駐台灣辦事處代表,由於任職美國塞班政府之職務而更增加便利與各國地區正面互動交流機會,並擴大中醫傳統醫學文化推廣的活動空間。在此期間CIVA-USA在宋執仁總會長更將中醫傳統醫學推廣到美國西岸太平洋地區(關島、塞班、馬紹爾群島共和國、所羅門群島共和國及密克羅尼西亞共和國)與東協國家(越南、新加坡等),更秉持救濟助人的理念,給予當地醫療技術協助並幫助建立中醫培訓課程,獲得這些國家政府及民間相當廣大的迴響與讚揚。1998~2006年間,CIVA-USA更連續12次在各地區舉辦國際中醫師及國際針灸師資格考試,同時亦舉行推動中醫學美容培訓,由此進而帶動國外專家、學者、團體到中國進行正面且頻繁的學術交流與訪問,協助了中國勞動部建立芳香保健之學術及技能技藝專業及培訓出第首期種子老師。在1999年期間,CIVA-USA結合北京醫科大學與中國衛生部國際交流中心,推動創立中華醫學美容;並邀請國外專家學者及相關人員至中國進行探討,播下中醫美容的萌芽種子。在2002年,CIVA-USA亦宣導並創立漢方精油,強調中醫學理為基礎的保養產品。在2003年11月,宋執仁總會長參與協助美國關島海外華人聯合總會邀請中國海軍訪問艦隊至美國太平洋艦隊關島基地進行友好訪問,受到代表美國政府的太平洋艦隊司令及僑界熱烈歡迎接待,並藉由此契機而將中醫更深入向美國推廣。同年12月宋執仁總會長邀請中國衛生部中醫藥管理局國家醫師資格認證中心周立孝主任、劉春香處長至美國關島進行友好訪問,在關島總督及關島大學、關島華人聯合總會等官方及民間團體做深入的互動及交流,同時在當地舉辦國際中醫師及針灸師考試,致力推廣中醫養生觀念及樹立專業中醫學人才。在2004年9月獲得世界針灸學會聯合會核准CIVA-USA入會成為正式會員(北美區),更有助於本會推廣及分享傳統中醫醫療技術知識與經驗。同年10月,宋執仁總會長親自率領美國、台灣、日本、韓國等地分會領導及專家,參與世界中醫藥大會,並受到大會正式邀請加入世界中醫藥學會聯合會,而於2005年6月核准成為正式會員,使CIVA-USA推廣中醫的活動空間更加寬廣並向前邁進。在2007年,宋執仁總會長亦於美國塞班島成立美國太平洋醫科大學,同年再成立太平洋區分會以及傳統醫學健康中心、製藥廠,除了希望能更促進中華醫學之推廣、教育及觀念紮根外,也致力於能更深入進行於天然漢方藥品、保健品之研究,讓全世界對於古老而奧妙的中華醫學有更多的認識及瞭解,且更容易親近使用中藥品來調養及保健。在同年3月1日,宋執仁先生及CIVA-USA亦於美屬北馬利亞納聯邦舉辦傳統醫學大會,並計畫於2009年11月於同地區籌辦第二次傳統醫學大會;另外也預定2009年底於馬紹爾群島共和國舉辦中華傳統醫學大會,可看出宋執仁總會長不遺餘力地推動針灸、中醫藥在世界各地的發展。於2008~2009年近二年期間及未來,宋會長帶領著CIVA-USA除了繼續在世界各地宣揚與推廣中華傳統醫學,也將持續深入研究發明及製造使用方便且健康的漢方保健藥品,結合相關專業人員知識及技術,期使百分之百天然且經過多次臨床實驗證明有效的漢方藥品及保健品能更容易被大眾接受及取得,使大眾更能受到中醫藥學上的助益。Dr. James Sung, the founder of CIVA-USA international organization, has been worked for the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Oceania, North America, and East Asia since 1970s. He has took the initiative of “The series of developing the Chinese culture” actively ever since the establishment of CIVA-USA international organization in the US in 1998 and regards the culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine until now. He expects to introduce the Traditional Chinese Medicine which is health-caring and health-preserving to more regions, and received warmly encouragement and welcome from overseas Chinese in US, China, Taiwan and East Asia regions.In 1998, CIVA-USA officially proceeded the exchange on academic and pharmaceuticals technology of acupuncture medicine with International Communication Center of Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing Medical University and Beijing College of Chinese Medicine Extension Education. This activity has received highly support from the International Communication Center and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine owing to the great help for the professional development in Chinese Medicine. In this period, CIVA-USA also propagated Chinese traditional acupuncture medicine, hoped to assist more and more country governments and people in learning general knowledge and merit of acupuncture therapy. Furthermore, Dr. James Sung also honorably named the representative of CNMI Saipan Office in Taiwan in the same year, which increased opportunities for positive interaction and communication with other countries and expanded the space for promotion of the Traditional Chinese Medicine culture. In the mean time, Dr. James Sung further endeavored to promote the Traditional Chinese Medicine to American west bank Oceania areas (Guam, Saipan, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, and Federal States of Micronesia) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Vietnam, Singapore and other countries), assisted the locals with medical technology and establishment of Chinese Medicine training program with the thought of helping people which won fairly wide echoes and praises from these countries.In 1998~2006, CIVA-USA held the international traditional Chinese doctor and acupuncturist qualifications examination 12 times in various countries, simultaneously promoted and held traditional Chinese Medicine cosmetology training, led furthermore the experts, scholars, groups all over the world to take academic visit and exchange positively and frequently to China which helped the Ministry of Labor to develop academic knowledge and specialty in fragrant health care and to train the first seed teachers.In 1999, CIVA-USA propelled to raise the Chinese Medicine Cosmetology in coordinated with Beijing Medical University and International Communication Center of Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China. They invited overseas experts and related personnel to research in China, which has sowed the seeds of Chinese Medicine Cosmetology. In 2002, CIVA-USA also proclaimed and made the healthcare product Chinese essential oil which emphasizes on the foundation of Chinese Medicine scientific theory.In November 2003, Dr. James Sung participated in assistance for inviting Chinese Navy Fleet to take a friendly visit to Guam Base of US Pacific Fleet which was enthusiastically welcomed by the Commander Pacific Fleet who represented the US government and overseas Chinese, and had further promotion on Chinese Medicine to the US with this opportunity. Later in December, Dr. James Sung invited chief Zhou Lixiao and director Liu Chunxiang of the Accreditation Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, of Ministry of Health of People’s Republic of China to make a friendly visit to Guam and make profound interaction and exchange with official and public organizations such as Guam Governor, University of Guam and Guam Chinese United Association. At the mean time, the international Chinese Medicine doctor and acupuncturist examination has been held in Guam which devoted to promote the idea of Chinese Medicine healthcare and foster Chinese Medicine professionals.In September 2004, CIVA-USA was approved to become an official member (North America area) by the World Federation of Acupuncture – Moxibustion Societies, which is helpful to CIVA-USA on promoting and sharing the technological knowledge and experiences of Chinese Medicine. In October, Dr. James Sung led the Chapter leaders and experts from US, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea to participate the World Chinese Medicine Conference and CIVA-USA was invited to join World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, then officially been approved to become the member in June 2005. This has brought about wider activity space for CIVA-USA to facilitate the Chinese Medicine and to forge ahead.In 2007, Dr. James Sung set up the American Pacific Medical University in Saipan, and also constituted the Oceania Chapter and Traditional Medical Health Center and pharmaceutical manufactory in same year. He hoped not only to facilitate the promotion, education and taking root of the Chinese Medicine, but also attend in depth to research natural Chinese prescription medicines and healthcare products which make the world to learn more about this ancient and mysterious Chinese Medicine, and easily use them for recuperation or for healthcare. Dr. James Sung and CIVA-USA held the first Traditional Medicine Conference in CNMI in March 1, and is planning to hold the second one in November 2009. He also predetermines to launch the Traditional Chinese Medicine Conference in the Republic of the Marshall Islands in the end of 2009. From these above achievements, we can see how Dr. James Sung spare no effort to impel acupuncture and Chinese Medicine all over the world.2008~2009 In recent two years and the future, Dr. James Sung will continue to lead CIVA-USA to publicize and propagate the Traditional Chinese Medicine, and continuously incorporating with the knowledge and technology of professional personnel to research and manufacture in depth for convenient and healthy Chinese prescription healthcare products. He hopes that these 100% natural and clinical-experiment-proved Chinese prescription medicines and healthcare products can be more easily accepted and acquired by the public and make people to get more benefit from the Chinese Medicine .
2011~2015 Deputy Director of WFAS International Acupuncture- Moxibustion Level (Qualification) Examination Committee, and liaison person of the Qualification Examination Department of the Secretariat of WFAS. He is authorized to be the liaison person of the CIVA-USA for examination, training, and other cooperation programs in the territorial of the Pacific U.S. and U.S.A, Asia-Pacific region and Taiwan.2009年 3 月 11 日
四、主要事蹟摘要IV. Abstract of Major Achievements將主要內容、特點及在促進中醫藥國際交流與合作方面做出的突出貢獻簡要概括,不超過1000字An abstract of chief achievements, features and outstanding contribution to promotion of international exchange and cooperation about TCM. Please write within 1000 words.◎
宋會長被美國北馬利亞納聯邦塞班政府(CMNI)聘任為美國與塞班政府派駐台灣辦事處代表。並將中醫推廣到美國西岸太平洋地區(關島、塞班、馬紹爾群島共和國、所羅門群島共和國及密克羅尼西亞共和國)與東協國家(越南等 . 新加坡)。
宣導創立漢方精油 . 中華傳統醫學. 中醫學美容。
Dr. James Sung took the initiative of “The series of developing the Chinese culture” in the US and regards the culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
“The series of developing the Chinese culture” received warmly encouragement from overseas Chinese in US, China and Taiwan.
Officially proceeded the exchange on academic and pharmaceuticals technology of acupuncture medicine with International Communication Center of Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing Medical University and Beijing College of Chinese Medicine Extension Education, and received highly support from the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. And also propagated Chinese traditional acupuncture medicine in this period.
Dr. James Sung was honorably named the representative of CNMI Saipan Office in Taiwan and endeavored to promote the Traditional Chinese Medicine to American west bank Oceania areas (Guam, Saipan, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, and Federal States of Micronesia) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Vietnam, Singapore and other countries).
Held the international traditional Chinese doctor and acupuncturist qualifications examination 12 times in various countries, simultaneously promoted and held traditional Chinese Medicine cosmetology training.
Dr. James Sung propelled to raise the Chinese Medicine Cosmetology in coordinated with Beijing Medical University and International Communication Center of Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, and invited overseas experts and related personnel to exchange in China.
Proclaimed and made the healthcare product Chinese essential oil, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Medicine Cosmetology.
November, 2003
Dr. James Sung participated in assistance for inviting Chinese Navy Fleet to take a friendly visit to Guam Base of US Pacific Fleet which was enthusiastically welcomed by the Commander Pacific Fleet who represented the US government and overseas Chinese.
December, 2003
Dr. James Sung invited chief Zhou Lixiao and director Liu Chunxiang of the Accreditation Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, of Ministry of Health of People’s Republic of China to make a friendly visit to Guam and make profound interaction and exchange with official and public organizations such as Guam Governor, University of Guam and Guam Chinese United Association. At the mean time, the international Chinese Medicine doctor and acupuncturist examination has been held in Guam.
September, 2004
CIVA-USA was approved to become an official member (North America area) by the World Federation of Acupuncture – Moxibustion Societies.
October, 2004
Dr. James Sung led the Chapter leaders and experts from US, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea to participate the World Chinese Medicine Conference, and CIVA-USA was officially approved to become the member of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies in June 2005.
March 1, 2007
Dr. James Sung held the first Traditional Medicine Conference in CNMI.
Dr. James Sung set up the American Pacific Medical University in Saipan, and also constituted the Oceania Chapter and Traditional Medical Health Center and pharmaceutical manufactory in same year. He hoped to facilitate the promotion, education and taking root of the Chinese Medicine.
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2008~2009 <
Dr. James Sung is planning to hold the second Conference in November 2009, and also predetermines to launch the Traditional Chinese Medicine Conference in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, so as to impel the development of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.He also keeps incorporating with the knowledge and technology of professional personnel to further promote the 100% natural and clinical-experiment-proved Chinese prescription medicines and healthcare products.
Host: 1. International Forum on traditional medicine 2.International biomass Conference 3.International medical standards of acupuncturee qualifications examination
CIVA-USA 非洲各國中醫診所開發Jan, 2010
本會由 MR.James Sung 於一九九八年四月在美國聖地牙哥籌組,凝聚觀光旅遊、娛樂、文化學術等團體之旅美優秀華人組成
本會由 MR.James Sung 於一九九八年四月在美國聖地牙哥籌組,凝聚觀光旅遊、娛樂、文化學術等團體之旅美優秀華人組成,本會為正當公益團體組織,為促進華人經濟繁榮,造福全球華人,並被敬重為宗旨,主要任務有:
- 培育觀光及各種專業人才與師資。
- 配合政府政策,在國際間辦理推廣宣傳加強國際交流,促進整體經濟發展。
- 協助地方政府及觀光文化社團發展事業。
- 接受各國政府及國際組織委託辦理國際旅展、國際藥膳比賽、藥膳廚師證照考試、傳統中醫師、針灸師資格及醫學美容師考試、醫學氣功、美生培訓、小型飛機駕照考照培訓。
- 國際觀光協會交流,提昇觀光服務,培育人才,設置海外辦事處,加強觀光雙向交流,發揚中華文化,直接與國際組織交流。
- 接受各國觀光客申訴,向有關單位建言。
- 研擬相關可行方案,提供政府決策參採。
- 發揚中華文化融入觀光,推薦優秀華人專才,參與政府或團體組織服務。
- 創造商業機會,促進國際經濟交流。
- 增加就業機會,被國際認證及聘任。
- 小型輕飛機駕駛證培訓考試中心
- 中華傳統醫學自然醫學培訓考試中心
- 國際中醫師、針灸醫師、骨傷醫師資格培訓考試中心
- 大體解剖專業學分培訓中心
- 北京中醫藥進修學院(大專)海外分校
- 美國及中國中醫藥大學入學及科研推薦單位
We bring the charming people together to challenge establish thinking.
◎ 1998 年 4 月~創立協會(簡稱 CIVA-USA )
美國聖地牙哥籌組創立本會,同時發啟「 發揚中華文化系列 」與觀光融合一氣,達到發揚中華文化:觀光無國界的、沒有族群的強大力量。
◎ 1998 年 8 月~首推「中華傳統醫學文化」
◎ 1999 年 2 月~授權負責北京中醫藥進修學院海外分校校務
◎ 2000 年 7 月~推出「中華宗教靈學風水命理文化」研究會訪問美國總會及各有關單位;在美國交流訪問期間來學習的人士,有治安人員、專業銷售經理、商家、醫師、工程師、軍人等做實地理論與教學活動;共兩次訪美各為期一個月,受到美國境內的白人、黑人及其他種族的愛載與讚賞,台灣的專業級老師被國外肯定,這是本協會的光榮。
◎ 2001 年 3 月~與中國衛生部國際交流中心,中國藥膳研究會共同舉辦 第八屆國際藥膳大會 。
◎ 2001 年 3 月~拜訪 中國全國婦女聯盟總會
◎ 2001 年 5 月~協助 美國關島海外華人聯合總會 ,在關島主辦中國民族芭蕾舞表演。
◎ 2001 年 12 月~與西藏文化中心簽署西藏宗教、醫學等文化在國際間推展。
◎ 2002 年 11 月~協助 世界抗日史實聯合會 ,在美國聖地牙哥舉辦每兩年一次的世界大會,本會請中國中央政府與駐 L.A. 總領事館支持此有意義的活動。
◎ 2003 年 8 月~本會在台北市舉辦消災祈福大法會,庇佑台灣人民平安、健康。
◎ 2003 年 1 月~本會改組為可營利之協會正式取得美國政府核准註冊。
◎ 2003 年 11 月~本會參與協助美國關島海外華人聯合總會邀請 中國海
軍訪問艦隊訪問美國關島太平洋艦隊基地 , 其中包含了中國駐美國大使武官陳景田海軍大校 . 洛杉磯總領和志耕先生 . 副總領李一平先生 , 由美國關島太平洋艦 隊司令代表美國政府及僑界做隆重的接待歡迎 ..
◎ 2003 年 12 月~本會邀請 中國國家中醫藥管理局國家醫師資格認證中心周立孝主任,劉春香處長訪問美國關島 ,與總督及關島大學、世界華人協會等官方及民間團體做深入的交流訪問,博得中、美兩國政府與民間的讚揚。
◎ 2004 年 9 月 ~ WHO 体係 世界針灸學會聯合會 核准 CIVA-USA 入會 .
◎ 2004 年 7 月~本會舉辦世界中醫師、針灸醫師資格考試。
◎ 2004 年 8 月~本會在台北市舉辦消災祈福大法會,庇佑台灣人民平 安、健康。
◎ 2004 年 10 月~本會總會長宋執仁先生親自率領美國 . 台灣 . 日本 . 韓國 等分會領導及專家 , 參與世界中醫藥大會 , 大會正式邀請本組織 CIVA-USA/ 中華傳統醫學文化推展委員會 , 進入世界中醫藥學會聯合會 .
◎ 2004 年 12 月~ 世界醫學美容專業委員 會聘任本會總會長宋執仁先生及醫學美容研究會副執行長張鋧得先生為 大會理事 .
◎ 2005 年 5 月~ CIVA-USA 增加幹細胞發展委員會 . 草本植物微量原素發展委員會 .
◎ 2005 年 6 月~本組織 CIVA-USA/ 中華傳統醫學文化推展委員會 , 核准進入 世界中醫藥學會聯合會 . 會員組織 .
◎ 2005 年 6 月~ CIVA-USA 總會長宋執仁先生帶領醫學美容研究會秘書長林天元先生拜訪世界鳳凰文化基金會董事長周海倫女士 , 雙方相談甚歡也談到了雙方結盟事宜 .
◎ 2005 年 6 月~本組織 CIVA-USA 總會長宋執仁先生擔任國際第四屆醫學美容大會副主席並帶領醫學美容研究會執行長吳榮東女士與會參加 .
LA / USA 美國洛杉磯、總會及分會
SD / USA 美國聖地牙哥分會
SF / USA 美國舊金山分會
GM / USA 美國太平洋關島分會
TP / TW 台灣.台北分會
TY / JAPAN 日本東京分會
BJ / CHINA 中國北京聯絡處
HN / VN 越南胡志明聯絡處